Is It Possible To Junk My Car In Sydney Without Any Paperwork?
Selling junk cars in Sydney legally will require some paperwork. It’s important to follow the rules so you can fully transfer the ownership of the car and the responsibilities that come with that to the buyer. But is it possible to skip everything altogether and not worry about any paperwork? Yes. You just have to find a junkyard or an auto car wrecker in Sydney to handle everything for you. You’re going to save a lot of time and energy by simply selling your car to a wrecker. But beware. There are some shady junk yards that will offer to handle all the paperwork involved in transferring registration and the title for you but will charge you steep fees in the end. You have to be extra careful in selecting a junk car buyer in Sydney to avoid getting scammed. Be sure to steer clear of those who promise to process the cancellation of your car’s registration and transfer of title only to charge you for those services at the last minute. Make Sure They Have A Lice...